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Monday, July 1, 2024



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Sunday, July 30, 2023

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"Newsletter"-[From Brother Kaukab Siddique]-"New Trend" # 1907-[7 Sha'ban-1442A.H.-March 21-2021]-

Subject: Canadian women +Scholars should not replace Quran & Hadith+Baluchistan lacks basics+JI Women censored+Black seed can nurture+Guidance on alleviating suffering +Du'a+Hadith+China separating Children+Palestine & Water+Mozambique+
Turkish air strike +US still bombing IS.

New Trend
Newsletter # 19077 Sha'ban  1442 A.H. - March 21, 2021
To subscribe, send email to:
Click Here to See 
Past Issues of New Trend
Views of Scholars should not replace Qur'an and Authentic Hadith.
Hanifa, Malik, Shafai, Hanbal
Did not Set up Schools of Thought.

On March 19, Br. Kaukab Siddique gave the Juma' khutba at Masjid Jamaat al-Muslimeen in 
Baltimore, Maryland. The street in front of the masjid has numerous repair spots which makes parking difficult but the attendance was good.

Here is an outline of the Khutba.

In a khutba, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, r.a., said :
"O Muslims, the opinion coming from the messenger of Allah, pbuh, is always correct because Allah inspires it. However, opinion from us is mere assumption and speculation."  [Jami al bayan al ilm wa fadlihi.]

1. Sha'ban is here and Ramadan is not far away.

2. The Qur'an should be recited, studied and pondered 
in Ramadan more than in any other month. We should
study it with translation.

3, Extra prayers are recommended but Muslims sometimes forget that extra prayers should not b e so many that we do not focus on the five obligatory prayers.

4. Focus on the rights of prisoners above all others. In
this country prisoners are humiliated and treated as if they are not humans but mere numbers.
4i. The political prisoners are most important. Great Muslims like Dr. Aafia, Imam Jamil and Ahmed Abdel Sattar are still in prison. Write to them. I can give you the

5. The rights of  women are central to the formulation of
a balanced ummah. 
5i. This country treats many women as if they are slave girls who have to uncover their bodies to please men.
5ii. In the era of jahiliyya [pre-Islamic era], women were
not taught modesty.
5iii.Hadith of Muhammad, pbuh, teaches that modesty is
essential to Faith.
6. We respect and honor Islamic scholars among whom were Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafa'ii and Hanbal [may Allah bless them] but we forget that:
6i. They did not establish Schools of Thought.
6ii. They did not support or associate with the rulers and
governments of their time. Their students sometimes did that but they too did not oppose each other.
7. So, my appeal is to focus on the Qur'an and authentic hadith. If we learn even a little from these original
sources which have been protected by Allah Almighty Himself, it is better than learning the views of scholars.

May Allah forgive our sins and shortcomings.

[Duringthe khutba, Br. Kaukab sent salutations on all the Prophets and messengers, particularly Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus and Muhahammad, peace be on them all, and honored the wives and companions of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.]
Ji Report
"Impressive Government programs are only on paper."
by Qaiser Sharif

LAHORE: March 17– Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has said the enemies of Pakistan could take further advantage from the situation if the federal and provincial governments displayed lack of seriousness to address the deprivations of the people of Balochistan.

Sirajul Haq, who reached Mansoora on Wednesday after completing two-day visit to the different areas of the province, stated that the developments projects announced during the different tenures remained limited to the papers, presenting a gloomy state of affairs in large part of the biggest province of the country.

He said people of the province were deceived in the name of development funds whether it was PPP's "Aagaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package" or the recent government's Rs600b package for the development of nine southern districts of the province. He said thousands of youth of Balochistan were becoming desperate due to issues of joblessness and bleak future. He said the government should establish industry and introduce technology in the area.

The agriculture of the province, he said, had great potential for improvement. He said there was dire need the masses receive benefits of the natural resources and are provided electricity, gas and clean drinking water facilities. He said feudal lords and civil and military governments intentionally kept the people deprived from the facilities.

The JI chief said the people of Balochistan like other parts of the country were fed up from the ruling elite. He said a large number of local leaders and youth joined the ranks of the JI during his visit to Quetta and other areas and it showed that the message of the JI was getting popular in all parts of the country. He said a system based on the brilliant principles of Islam could put the country on track. He appealed the people not to provide shoulders to those who were already tested and gave nothing to the country.
War News
Turkish air strike
March 21, A rocket attack by Assad regime hit a hospital in Al Atareb [western Aleppo province] killing 5 civilians including a child.
March 20-21. For the first time a Turkish jet carried out strikes on SDF [Kurdish Communists] positions around Ain Issa [north central Syria]. After the initial strikes, Syrian fighters supporting advanced in the battle area after heavy clashes with SDF forces [which is supported b y US].
Same day in the Mayadeen desert [eastern Deir ez Zor] ISIS launched a raid on an Iran-backed militia killing 2 and injuring 7.
Also in the same province an IED attack by IS killed the commander of a local militia set up by SDF and injured several.
In Deraa province the leader of dictator Assad's intelligence unit in Nawa city was killed by gunmen who fled.
All out bombing operation against Islamic State.

March 15 to 21. US air force and its allies carried out 133 air strikes on suspected Islamic State positions across Iraq. No details made available.
Regime sources say that two ISIS members were killed in the Tarmiyeh area northeast of Baghdad
thwarting an attack on Baghdad.
News Within the U.S.
Vaccination Push, racism against Asians and our history.
by Sis. Aisha
[Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York.]

On March 13th, Boxing Legend Marvelous Marvin Hagler passed away at age 66 years old. It caught his family by surprise. His wife, Kay, revealed that he recently got the COVID-19 vaccination.
The NBA has told its players that it will relax COVID-19 restrictions only on vaccinated players. This statement was made after Brooklyn Nets Player James Harden said that getting vaccinated is a personal choice, and he would not play a role in encouraging others to get vaccinated.
Many of the athletes I have seen getting vaccinated are retired, such as Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Julius Irving. I have not seen any young, active athletes getting the vaccination, which is not a vaccine but, a means to reducing the potency of COVID-19 symptoms on your body, according to Just like Zicam does for the cold or the flu. Dr. Mercola also says this gene therapy is experimental.
Recently, states, such as Texas, have been lifting COVID-19 restrictions. The existence of the "vaccination" is the reason why some states have been lifting these restrictions.
There have been some side effects from the "vaccine." Some side effects people have experienced from the COVID-19 "vaccine" are seizures, severe allergic reactions, extreme exhaustion, and even paralysis. Death has also occurred a few hours to three days after an injection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), any side effects are signs that the "vaccination" is working and that your body is building up protection against COVID-19.
After getting the first dose of the "vaccine," patients can opt to be tracked by using an app. One such tracking app is V-Safe, which can be downloaded to your smartphone.
People have also been sharing the side effects they've been experiencing on social media. There have been accusations of censorship of any reports of side effects with some videos being taken down.
On the NewsNation Prime program, there was an encouraging report of "vaccinated" family members visiting each other for the first time, after experiencing one year of the lockdown. There are families that maintained contact in spite of the lockdown. Dr. Dean Winslow (Stanford Health Care) said that only 12% of Americans have been vaccinated but, that the number needs to increase to 80% for government to feel confident that it can completely eliminate these COVID-19 restrictions.
This sounds more like a threat to our personal freedom than a health remedy. Although restrictions are said to be loosening, they can tighten back up, again, without a moments notice. Whether it was Prohibition, the Patriot Act, and now the COVID-19 Lockdown, this government has successfully used fearmongering and patriotism as a means to get the masses to go along with its plans. But, these schemes are always defeated by either an implosion or people becoming aware and refusing to participate any longer.
Unfortunately, racists emerge during these oppressive times, as well. They do not handle government oppression too well because they are not too bright. The American government has implemented racism as a diversionary tactic that has also tricked the average white person into believing that it benefits him or her. Therefore, with all the media reports blaming China for the COVID-19 outbreak coupled with this restrictive lockdown, it was just a matter of time before Chinese people (and other Asians)would start becoming victims of hate crimes.
It is this same racist mentality that was behind the Civil War Draft Riots, which caused thousands of blacks to run for their lives and leave Manhattan, New York. After the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted on January 1, 1863, the Civil War stopped being a war about taxes and the focus shifted to the ending of African slavery. However, President Lincoln allowed rich white men to avoid the draft by paying a $300 fee. This move incensed poor whites but, instead of directing anger about this law at the government, a group of mainly poor Irish men, women and children decided to start a race riot, in which thousands of blacks were attacked and some killed.
People in America are being pushed to the brink because their state governments have told them to stay home, their employers are filing for bankruptcy, and landlords must continue to house nonpaying tenants without receiving any financial help in return. Also, people are losing their businesses. People are experiencing feelings of despair and this environment is ripe for the mentally unstable, especially racists. Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. These racists are sitting at home fuming over this lockdown, and they either believe their state governments are not responsible for this intrusion on their personal freedoms, or they believe that it is easier to attack Asians.
This lockdown is not aimed at destroying the Coronavirus. We are its targets, and we are the ones suffering.
(Sources:,,, & NewsNation Prime)
Invitation to Think
Jamaat e Islami Women Rallied in all major Cities.
The government- controlled media 

censored the reports and published its support for Westernized Women.

Here is a delayed glimpse of the Islamic Report.

LAHORE: MARCH 8– Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has demanded complete ban on dowry and other un-Islamic and anti-constitutional traditions in Pakistani society on occasion of International Women's Day on Monday.

Addressing "Istehkam-e-Khandan-Growth Protection of Family Institution" rally at Lahore's Mall Road, he also called for ensuring protection of women at workplaces and educational institutions.
The JI women's chapters organized rallies in all major cities including Lahore on women's day. A large number of women from all walks of life attended the rallies with the commitment to counter the attempts of westernization of Pakistani society.

The JI chief said only Islam could guarantee the protection and rights of women. He appealed the nation not to pay attention to the conspiracies launched by a small section of the society in the name of women rights. He said attempts to damage the ideological base of Pakistan had been started soon after the independence but they were died on their own as Pakistani society was not ready to accept them. The JI women chapter, he said, launched the "Protection of Family Institution" campaign on February 11 and it would continue till March 11. He requested the Pakistani women to be part of the campaign to create awareness among the masses about the sacred cause.

Emir Jamaat criticized the practices of displaying dowry articles and its demand from the groom family. He said depriving women from inheritance, marriage of a woman with Quran, honor killing, wani and others corrupt practices were still intact in the society despite legislation against them.
"Islam strictly prohibits these corrupt practices. The government must be vigilant to ban them."

He said Pakistani women and girls were harassed in educational institutional and at workplaces. He demanded the government build separate educational institutions for girls and fix a special amount to girls' education in budget. He regretted the incidents of raps and harassments were increasing in society due to non-vigilance of police and other law and order agencies and culprits were not given exemplary punishments due to ineffective prosecution. He said only a system based on brilliant principles of Quran and Sunnah could address the problems of the country.

The rally started from Nasir Bagh and ended at Anarkali was led by JI women's chapter leaders Dr Samia Raheel Qazi, Dr Zubaida Jabeen and others.
What is Black Seed? 
Courtesy Marie Grace Garis 

[This subject was introduced to me by
Sis. Ayesha & Br. Ali Randall in Virginia.
Black seed is mentioned by the Prophet, pbuh.]

"It's also known as Nigella and black cumin seed," says Robinett. "Nigella is a member of the Ranunculaceae, or buttercup family, along with goldenseal, black cohosh, and yellowroot, which are also excellent herbs, though with different benefits from black seed oil. Like many plants that grow in difficult climates or conditions and develop natural defense mechanisms, Nigella passes those along to us. It's very much a superfood-slash-herb, if the color weren't convincing enough."
Black seed oil, then, is a long-honored, expert-backed way to fortify your diet. But no need to rely on its reputation alone—below, we break down eight concrete benefits of black seed oil, who it might be best suited for, and how to incorporate it in your diet.
Health benefits of black seed oil

1. High in antioxidants
"Those antioxidants help protect your cells from damage from free radicals," says registered dietitian Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, owner of BZ Nutrition. In particular, black seed oil is rich in thymoquinone, a powerful component that is good for the lungs, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective (read: helps prevent damage to the liver).
2. Helps fight inflammation
You can credit the antioxidants for black seed oil's anti-inflammatory benefits. "They can help fight inflammation in the body, reduce the risk of certain chronic illnesses, like heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease," Zeitlin says. She also mentions it can reduce the risk of some cancers; among them are blood cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer.
Olive Oil Isn't the Only Heart-Healthy Pantry Staple—Pumpkin Seed Oil Boosts Cardiovascular Health, Too
 Black Seed Oil Hair Benefits That Will Make You Want To Add It to Your Hair-Care Routine—Stat
One small study published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine investigated how black seed oil impacted oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers split 42 subjects into two groups—one received a placebo and the other twice-daily doses of black seed oil—and found an improvement in inflammation and reduced oxidative stress for those who consumed the supplement after eight weeks. While not fully conclusive given the size of the study, the results are promising.
3. Good for respiratory health
This also bleeds into the next point, which is that black seed oil is believed to be a helpful aid with lung health, including guarding against conditions such as bronchial asthma. "Because antioxidants help to fight inflammation and asthma results in inflammation on the airway, black seed oil has been shown to help reduce the inflammation in that airway, helping to improve asthma control," says Zeitlin. Of course, be sure to consult a doctor before you start any treatment protocol.
4. Lowers cholesterol
If you struggle with high cholesterol, black seed oil might be a worthy supplement in your pantry. "Some studies have also linked black seed oil to lowering [the risk of] heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure," Zeitlin says. "These findings, again, are linked back to the antioxidant content in the oil."
5. Helps maintain blood sugar levels
"While there is lots of talk about black seed oil and weight loss, more research is needed for any real link to be shown," Zeitlin says. "What we have seen is that the antioxidants in black seed oil can help regulate your blood sugar levels, and that blood sugar regulation does help to maintain a healthy weight."
In general, remember that keeping your blood sugar regulated is an essential part of living a healthy life. Consistently unstable blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart and kidney disease; in the short term, unbalanced blood sugar levels can impact your mood and energy. The more you know, ya know?
6. Offers a healthy dose of fatty acids
Robinett notes that black seed oil is rich in fatty acids. But these are considered the good, healthy, unsaturated kinds of fats, things like Omega-6 and Omega-9, which can't be naturally produced by the body. Omega-6 can help with hair growth and skin regeneration, while Omega-9 can help increase energy and improve mood.
7. It might even help with brain health
There's a sliver of research on this, but hear us out. Black seed can potentially be beneficial when it comes to memory and focus, according to one teensy tiny study of 20 elderly participants published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The study investigated the effect of Nigella sativa on memory cognition and cognitive health in elderly volunteers. These participants were divided into two groups, with one group given a capsule twice daily for nine weeks and the other given a placebo. When given a series of tests, it was shown that the Nigella sativa had a positive impact on memory, attention, and cognition.
8. And it can be good for so many skin afflictions
Black seed oil is something you'd love to see as an ingredient in your skin-care routine. For example, it's been found to be beneficial when it comes to treating conditions such as psoriasis (due to its antipsoriatic effect) and acne, according to one giant meta-analysis published in the Journey of Tropical Medicine.
Possible side effects and risks of using black seed oil
For the most part, black seed oil is considered a safe and healthy supplement, but it might not be the best for people with certain conditions. "Black seed oil has been shown to have serious negative effects on kidney health, so if you have any kidney issues or a family history of kidney issues, you should avoid black seed oil," Zeitlin says.
Guidance by Sis. Yasmin.

Alleviate Human Suffering'

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu'.

Abu Huraira (Radi 'Allahu Anhu) reported ---

Allah's Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) as saying...

'he who alleviates the suffering of a brother
out of the sufferings of the world,
Allah would alleviate his suffering
from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection.
and he who finds relief for one who is hard pressed...
Allah would make things easy for him in the Hereafter {!}
and he who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim,
Allah would conceal his faults
in the World and in the Hereafter {!}
ALLAH is at the back of a servant
so long as the servant is at the back of his brother {!}
and he who treads the path in search of Knowledge,
Allah would make that part easy leading to Paradise for him.

Those people who assemble in the house among
the houses of ALLAH ('Masjids') and recite the Book of Allah,
and they learn and teach the 'Qur'an'
there would descend upon them the
Tranquility and Mercy would cover them,
and the Angels would surround them.
and Allah makes a mention of them
in the presence of those near Him {!}
and he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds,
his (high) descent does not make him go ahead.'

Inline image

~My 'Salaams' to all~
"Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah"
Say, 'Indeed, my Prayer, my Rites of Sacrifice,
my Living and my Dying are for ALLAH, Lord of the Worlds'.
{'Qur'an'~Surat Al-'An'am -# 6-162.}

Hadith of the Week
Narrated by Ibn 'Umar
Allah's Apostle said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):
1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.
2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.
3. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity) .
4. To perform Hajj. (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca)
5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.

Bukhari Volume 1,
Book 2, #7
[With thanks to Sis. Kristi]

by Imam Badi Ali
March 18 and 19. 

As-slamu alaikum,
Allah (swt) said:
"قَالَ إِنَّمَآ أَشۡكُواْ بَثِّى وَحُزۡنِىٓ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَأَعۡلَمُ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ مَا لَا تَعۡلَمُونَ"
He said: "I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you know not."
Allah wants to hear your troubles. Allah wants to hear from you.
He loves you and wants you to look to Him for relief from your sadness and suffering.
Just like Prophet Jacob (as) did when he didn't know if he'd ever see his son again.
This is a wonderful example for us to follow.
O Allah, guide us to You, fill our hearts with tranquility in worship, and relieve us from our sufferings. Ameen.

Be passionate in whatever you do.
There is this fire within each one of us when it comes to working for the sake of Allah (swt) and some of us have yet to discover it.
Discover that passion within you, and don't let anything extinguish it!
Be like the sun - always provide light and warmth to those around you.
O Allah, guide me to do work that pleases You and help me to guide others to You.

Our Website received
65,591 hits
in February. 

Thank you Br. Rich for taking care of the web site.
It also has the entire Qur'an and Sahih of Bukhari.
Also it has the boycott list
and links to some of the political prisoners and major 
news sites.

[Please scroll down to see our outreach through Facebook.]

20% of the Available Water in Palestine is purchased from the Israeli Water Company "Mekorot"
With scarce water and Israeli restrictions on access to resources, Palestinian cities are forced to purchase water from the Israeli water company "Mekorot". In 2019, they purchased 84.2 MCM, which represented 20% of the water available in Palestine (417.9 MCM). Additionally, 40.6 MCM of the water were produced from the Palestinian springs while 289 MCM are pumped from groundwater wells and 4.1 MCM desalinated drinking water.
By subtracting 45.5% of the water available to Palestinians that is unsuitable for human use, by linking it to the quantities of polluted water in the Gaza Strip, the quantities of water suitable for domestic use available to the Palestinians are only 219.8 MCM, including purchased and desalinated water.


Surging Violence against Women

For months, groups that help women get out of abusive relationships warned the Quebec government that the pandemic and its restrictions would lead to an escalation of violence.
Less than 90 days into the year, six femicides have been committed in the province, according to Radio-Canada.
The most recent death came early Friday morning, when a 52-year-old man killed his partner inside a taxi cab, before taking his own life.
The attacks against women have left one advocate almost at a loss for words.
"It's absolutely insane," said Maud Pontel, a co-ordinator with Alliance MH2, a network of second-stage shelters in the province.
Second-stage shelters are non-emergency transition houses for people who have left domestic violence environments.
"Right now, it's madness when it comes to violence against women."
On Saturday morning, Montreal police were called to a home in LaSalle. A 29-year-old woman was taken to hospital in critical condition, and her 32-year-old boyfriend was taken into custody.
Earlier this month, Pontel's group released a list of eight recommendations for the Quebec government, ahead of the provincial budget that's set to be tabled next Thursday.
Its top suggestion is no surprise — more shelter space for women who need to escape domestic violence.
Maud Pontel is a coordinator for Alliance MH2, a group in Quebec representing second-stage shelters for women.
Maud Pontel is a coordinator for Alliance MH2, a group in Quebec representing second-stage shelters for women. (Franca G. Mignacca/CBC)
SOS Violence Conjugale, the provincial toll-free crisis line, says it's received more than 34,000 online and phone requests for help since January — an unprecedented number.
Claudine Thibaudeau, a clinical co-ordinator with SOS Violence Conjugale, says too many people who reach out to SOS Violence Conjugale aren't able to get the help they need.
"Around 30 per cent of the time, when people call us to ask for shelter, we have to tell them that unfortunately we can't find a place for them within a reasonable distance, or that's catered to their needs, so we need to always be able to say yes," she said.
"Asking someone to call us back tonight or call us back tomorrow is counterproductive for their safety. Tomorrow, they may not have that opportunity to call."


Let Children Unite with their Parents

Amnesty International has called on China to allow exiled Uighur parents to reunite with their children in Xinjiang without the fear of being sent to "oppressive" internment camps.

The human rights group on Friday released a new report describing the plight of six families living outside China who have been cut off from their children since 2017, when Beijing intensified its crackdown on the Uighurs, detaining more than a million members of the Muslim minority at what it called "vocational skills training centreThe couple's three youngest children were then sent to a state-run orphanage, while the eldest was placed in a boarding school. The couple were unable to contact them from Italy, but in November 2019, they received a permit from the Italian government to bring their children to join them.

The four children – aged between 12 and 16 – travelled alone across China to the Italian consulate in Shanghai, but they were seized by police and sent back to the orphanage and boarding school.
"Now my children are in the hands of the Chinese government and I am not sure I will be able to meet them again in my lifetime," Kader said. "The thing that hurts most is that, to my children, it's as if their parents don't exist anymore; as if we passed away and they are orphaned."

In another case, Omer and Maryem Faruh, who left two of their four daughters in the care of Meryem's parents in 2016, told Amnesty they have not heard from their separated children in more than four years.
"My wife and I cry only at night, trying to hide our sorrow from our other kids here with us," Omer said.
Watch this new video for more information
The Faruhs, who obtained Turkish citizenship in June last year, have been trying to enlist the help of the Turkish authorities to bring their two girls out of China.
And although the Turkish embassy in Beijing informed Omer it had initiated the relevant procedures in August 2020 and sent a diplomatic note to the Chinese government in October 2020, to date the Faruhs have not been able to bring the girls to Turkey.
'Heartless policies'
"The heartbreaking testimonies of the parents we spoke to only scratches the surface of the scale of suffering endured by Uyghur families separated from their children," said Amnesty's Akad.
"The Chinese government must end its heartless policies in Xinjiang and ensure that families can be reunited as quickly as possible without fear of being sent to an oppressive camp."
The report came as global pressure mounts on China for its treatment of the Uighurs.
The United States government and the Canadian and Dutch parliaments have labelled Beijing's actions against the Uighurs "genocide", and Washington has imposed sanctions on several Chinese officials over Xinjiang.
But China has rejected the genocide charge and warned Western countries not to interfere in its internal affairs.
Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, told the United Nations Human Rights Council in February that "there has never been so-called genocide, forced labour or religious oppression in Xinjiang"..

The March 14  issue of
New Trend

reached 78,052 Muslims
by facebook.
There were 10,752 women among these..

The articles in this issue included:

1. Conservative religion is not real religion.
2. PTI government in Pakistan is a complete failure -- JI
3.Newsweek's attack on Indian Muslims.
4. Fighting raging in Syria and Iraq.
5. New York's corruption.
6. Major article on Hajira, alaihis salam and Aisha, r.a.
 7. Guidance by sis. Yasmin
8. Du'a
9. Hadith
10. China's top leaders ordered genocide.
11. Gaza new leader.



BBC reported on March 19 that the USA and Portugal are sending military advisers to Mozambique to help the govenment  fight Islamic State fighters who with local support have taken over parts of northeast of the island and are steadily inceasing their control. 
BBC is very much against IS but admits that the poverty stricken masses are supporting IS in growing numbers.
Government troops with support from South Africa and Tanzania have been beaten back by the Islamic State which is known as al-Shabab in this country,

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New Trend is copyright with Kaukab Siddique. Written permission is required for use of published material in any form.
New Trend: Reporting and discussing the Islamic Struggle and issues affecting Muslims worldwide. We do not endorse violence; news or views related to violence is for analysis and understanding,not endorsement. We are against racism, classism, gender superiority, Zionism, Imperialism, and Injustice. The Qur'an and authentic Hadith are our foundation.New Trend is copyright with Kaukab Siddique. Written permission is required for use of published material in any form.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

*Newsletter*~New Trend #1906 (From Brother Kaukab Siddique)~30 Rajab-1442A.H. March 14-2021

'As-Salaam Alaikum'

Subject: Ibn Taymiyya +Hajira, a.s, and Aisha, r.a.+Indian Muslims & Newsweek
+Syria unending+ Iraq+Pakistan:Imran's failure+Du'a+Guidance+Hadith+Within 
New York's corruption+ Canadian rally +New Gaza Elections+UIghur evidence verified +Afghans, Iran, Pakistan.

New Trend
Newsletter # 190630 Rajab, 1442 A.H. - March 14, 2021
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Past Issues of New Trend
Conservative Religion Comforts Believers but Hides Catastrophic Inhumanity
Eerie Similarity between Cultures and Epochs so far Apart
by Kaukab Siddique, PhD
I am reading two books in various times of the day. Both are rare but deep in their implications. Seemingly nothing could be so different from these two books.
1. America's Deadliest Export: Democracy by William Blum, 356 pages, Zed books, 2014. I got it as a gift from my dear friend Salahuddin in Colorado.

2. Gardens of Purification by Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, 728 Hijri, translation from Dar as-Sunnah, En gland, 336 pages.
It is from my dear friend Kwame Madden in New York.

Strangely enough both books reflect on the attitudes of religious people while great tragic events are taking place.

Ordinary people in America are very religious. When a dear one dies, they say, he/she is in a better place. The government of USA can invade other countries, support brutal dictators, nothing changes the religious attitude of the people. The army can bomb other countries, obliterate entire cities, the people here still remain proud of their country and their armed forces. Think of Iraq, Afghanistan, drone attacks on Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan
Nothing stirs the conscience of the people.

In the era of Ibn Taymiyya, just before his birth, Baghdad was devastated. All four Sunni schools of thought were busy debating each other but could not resist the Mongols. The vast city was destroyed in 13 days!

Ibn Taymiyya explains that there are two kinds of religion. One is that of the Sufis and Shias which teaches religion for its own sake. Pray all day, do Dhikr a thousand times, stay up all night in laylatul qadr. The Muslim waits for Ramadan to end so that he/she can go back to feasting.

The Prophet, pbuh. taught a balanced religion so that Muslims could fight the forces of oppression and exploitation. What kind of charity we give that poverty never ends!

Ibn Taymiyya taught that Jihad is central. Pray so that the ability to stand against overwhelming evil becomes possible.

Look at the Muslims of America: They don't say a word in defense of Aafia Siddiqui. The Black community has not been able to liberate Jamil al-Ameen and Mumia.

In Pakistan, the Brelvi sect is so widespread that the people could not hold funeral prayers for Osama.

In America there is freedom of expression but a tiny religious group located in a far away country is in control.
PTI Government is a complete Failure.
JI Leader Addressed Mass Rally.
Women and Children also Rallied.
by Qaiser Sharif

FAISALABAD: MARCH 12– Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq has said that the PTI government has proved a complete failure in two and half years and masses felt deceived in the name of "change".
Addressing a big rally at Faisalabad's Dhobi Ghat ground here on Friday, he said it had been proven that the PTI like its predecessors the PML-N and the PPP had also proved itself the agent of the status quo.
"The system needs to be revamped. People of Pakistan demand a durable democracy, powerful and independent election commission and a system based on the true Islamic values."
Criticizing the election of Senate chairman and deputy chairman, he said the trading of votes and muk muka politics had badly damaged the respect of the upper house. He said the trend of selection in the name of election should end now. He said the establishment should stay away from the politics and the politicians should also stop acting as tool of establishment. He said the political parties strictly avoid dragging establishment into politics. He said the so-called three political parties were the product of establishment and they pretend to be the champion of democracy only to deceive the masses. He said the nation started fully recognizing the politics of the self-service of the PTI and the PDM.

He said the JI was emerging as true voice of the people of Pakistan because it was staying away from the political gimmickry of both sides of the so-called political divide. He appealed to the masses to vote for the JI if they wanted to resolve their problems and put the country on track. He said the political elite ruling over the country for decades did nothing for the betterment of masses instead they raised their wealth and looted resources of Pakistan. He said Pakistan was created to lead the Muslim Ummah but the corrupt rulers shattered the dream of the founding fathers of the country.
The public meeting in Faisalabad was part of the JI's ongoing campaign against inflation, unemployment and other anti-people policies of the government.
A large number of women and children also participated in the rally.
Rebuttal of Newsweek's Attempt to link Muslim "moderates" to "radicals."
The defamatory piece, titled "COVID Relief Funds Went to Violent Extremists" and published by Newsweek website on December 7, 2020, had alleged that IAMC was connected with the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), an organization that the Indian Government has banned.
"It is disappointing that Newsweek, once one of America's best news organizations, chose to publish an allegation of terrorism against us without first reaching out to us for comment," Mr. Rasheed Ahmed, Executive Director, IAMC, wrote to Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Nancy Cooper. "Providing the opportunity to respond to an allegation — especially one so grave as to accuse an organization of being linked with terrorism — is a fundamental principle of journalism, something that Newsweek has clearly failed to uphold in this case."
Mr. Ahmed reminded Ms. Cooper that she had herself sought the same privilege in response to a piece that Columbia Journalism Review published against Newsweek.
"Your failure to provide us that opportunity is especially hypocritical considering that you demanded a similar opportunity when Daniel Tovrov published a detailed report against Newsweek in Columbia Journalism Review in October 2019," Mr. Ahmed wrote.
"If you deserve an opportunity to set the record straight on allegations against you, so do we on allegations against us."
Mr. Ahmed added that it was "truly ironic" that while Newsweek's article criticized IAMC for receiving Covid relief stimulus worth $1,000, Newsweek itself had faced heat for receiving a whopping $350,000 of the same relief, in violation of the stimulus provisions.
Mr. Ahmed said that the allegations against IAMC contained in the Newsweek article, authored by Sam Westrop of the Middle East Forum, an Islamophobic organization that has been repeatedly called out by the Southern Poverty Law Center, were false.
"We challenge you to provide a single piece of evidence in support" of the allegation that IAMC was connected with SIMI, Mr. Ahmed wrote. He added that the claim was based entirely on a report from the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), a US-based organization that is "as Islamophobic" as the MEF.
The HAF is tied to the RSS, the Hindu supremacist organization to which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his political party belong. It has continued to support Mr. Modi despite his government's "massive persecution of its non-Hindu minorities," Mr. Ahmed wrote.
Mr. Ahmed pointed out that the cofounders of HAF were former executive council members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of American (VHPA) which is allied with the Indian Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) that has been classified by the Central Intelligence Agency as a "religious militant" organization.
"The VHP has also been denounced by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for orchestrating mass violence against India's Christians and Muslims. In a report on violence agaisnt women in India, Amnesty wrote that "calls to rape Muslim girls and women were contained in pamphlets produced by the VHP and the RSS and distributed in Ahmedabad months before the violence was started in 2002. The International General Secretary of VHP called for a new law that would behead anyone attempting to convert a Hindu," Mr. Ahmed wrote.
The only claim that HAF report made was that IAMC had hosted Mohammad Siddiqi, SIMI's founder. But after founding SIMI in 1977 Dr. Siddiqi left it in 1980, 21 years before the Indian Government banned it, and migrated to the US becoming a US citizen and retiring in 2015 after 28 years as a tenured Professor of Journalism and Public Relations at the Western Illinois University.
"Not once in the 44 years since SIMI was founded in 1977, or in the nearly two decades since SIMI was banned in 2001, has any law enforcement agency or prosecution, either in the US or in India, named Dr. Siddiqi as an accused or as a person of interest," Mr. Ahmed wrote. "Dr. Siddiqi's name has not featured as an accused or as being connected, even indirectly, to SIMI in the court filings India's Government has submitted for each of the eight times it has banned SIMI, the last in 2019."
In fact, Dr. Siddiqi had never been accused by police in any part of India of any crime. As a US citizen of Indian origin, he had traveled to India multiple times to meet with his extended family, including after SIMI's ban in 2001, but not once did Indian law enforcement agencies question him.
"Not only did Dr. Siddiqi have nothing to do with SIMI, he criticized it for its turn to extremism. In an interview headlined "The SIMI I founded was completely different" published by Rediff, a leading Indian news website, in 2003, Dr. Siddiqi said he believed that SIMI had been "hijacked by elements in other countries and other Muslim societies" and that "some of them at least have become misguided and radical in their beliefs."
Indian American Muslim Council
Twitter: @IAMCouncil
Address: 6321 W Dempster St. Suite 295, Morton Grove, IL 60053.
War News

March 14, A high ranking Pakistani delegation in Iran mutually with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister expressed deep concern over the presence of Islamic State groups in Afghanistan,
March 13. A car bombing in Herat, targeting a police base killed 22 and injured 70 including civilians.
Taliban raids in northern Kunduz and Balkh provinces
killed 11 regime troops.
March 14. Syrians supporting Turkey carried out rocket attacks on Kurdish Communists in northern Aleppo province in response to regime attack which killed two civilians.
March 13. An ISIS raid on al-Tabqa airport [al-Raqqa province ] killed 2 SDF guards.
An RPG attack on SDF headquarters [eastern Deir ez Zor] caused material damage.  [SDF is supported by the US.]
Russian air strikes destroyed ammunition warehouses of the Islamic group known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in western Aleppo province.
SDF trops backed by US helicopters killed 6 ISIS fighters in southern Deir ez Zor.
March 13. SOHR reports 22 Russian air strikes against the Islamic State fighters in eastern Hama province. {another 25 air strikes hit IS on March 12.]
Assad's troops and Islamic groups exchanged mortar and machine gun fire in north-western Hama province and southern Idlib province.
Earlier in the week a Jihad group hit Assad regime's forces in eastern Idlib province with homemade rockets, killing 3 of Assad's troops and injuring 10.
In Latakia province too regime troops and mujaheddine exchanged machine gun fire.
In Sahl al-Ghab area of north-west Hama, heavily armed Assad forces tried to advance but were forced to retreat by an Islamic group.
March 14. The regime is reporting a gunfight with Islamic State which continued for half an hour in the Mount Sinjar area. The report says a regime officer was killed in the fighting but gives no details.
The regime is also reporting infiltration attempts by IS from Syria into Iraq but both attempts were foiled.
[No details.]
In Dohuk governorate [northern Iraq] an operation by Turkey against the PKK Communist group is successfully undergoing,
Also on March 14, Shia demonstrators rallied against the Shia regime in Najaf. The police opened live fire on the protestors. Twenty people were wounded.[Shafaq News.]

After the military coup, the public has been rallying on a huge scale against the coup on a daily basis. It is the 4th week now, The Buddhist regime is  using brute force and opening direct fire on the crowds.
A conservative death toll puts it at 78 killed and several hundred injured.
News Within the U.S.

Within New York's Elitist Corruption, 
the most Corrupt are used and then Dropped!
by Sis. Aisha
[Jamaat al-Muslimeen New York.]

Friday, March 12th,
NY1 News announced that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. was going to forego any re-election campaign and retire. He was mentored by staunch Zionist Robert Morgenthau, who lacked any moral compunction when it came to the wrongful convictions of innocent Blacks and Latinos. Although D.A. Vance Jr. wants a pat on the back for, finally, convicting Hollywood predator Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo Movement criticized him for refusing to bring charges, initially.
D.A. Cyrus Vance Jr. also sabotaged his own rape case against Dominique Strauss Kahn by leaking insignificant information about the alleged victim to the media, which damaged her credibility. Although in spite of Vance's efforts, a grand jury still indicted Kahn, Vance was able to get the entire case dismissed!
Cyrus Vance's legacy, as a district attorney, is not as great as he thinks. Maybe that is why he is retiring. His office has long been accused of being weak against corrupt law enforcement officers and sexual predators.

There are nine people who want to become the next Manhattan District Attorney, including Palestinian-American Tahanie Aboushi, who is a civil rights attorney running on the Working Families Party ticket.
In other news, there are new calls from democrats, including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, for New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign. Even top Zionist politico Senator Chuck Schumer has been recommending that Governor Cuomo resign. A total of six women have come forward claiming that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed/assaulted them. He denies touching any of these women inappropriately.
While his own democratic party is suggesting he resign, Governor Cuomo refuses to do so until after the investigation into his conduct is completed by Attorney General Letitia James.
The two popular ways to bring down powerful men have always been through illicit sex or questionable financial practices. Either way, someone or some group has decided that, just like ex-President Trump, Governor Andrew Cuomo is now a liability and expendable. In politics, they all love you until you make them mad. This anger towards Gov. Cuomo has nothing to do with unwanted advances toward women because a lot of politicians are guilty of this behavior.
Governor Cuomo has been accused of bullying people and being an egomaniac. He sees himself as the King of New York and this imposed lockdown can create that illusion.
These are the types of disagreeable characteristics that brought down another powerful Italian: Julius Caesar.
(NY1 News &
Invitation to Think
Women's History Month: Muslim Women

Hajirah (peace be upon her) the Founder of Makkah and the new Civilization.
Aishah, r.a., the leader of Muslims.
by Imam Ali Siddiqui

She started a New Civilization from scratch in an uninhabited area, this was not even on the Caravan route! No oral tradition, no maps, and of course, no google maps. It was a barren land without any resources called Bakka in Quran 3:96. Started with a new born child, Ismail, his mother, an African woman, Hazrat Hajirah (as), and no resources. Then the land was blessed with water, the people, and two great prophets of Allah.
The story began with Ibrahim (as) was commanded to migrate from Ur, the seat of Mesopotamia, with a few selected members of the family including his nephew Lot. They passed through Nubia aka Egypt. The Nubian king was impressed by Ibrahim (as) and offered some presents and a royal lady by the name of Hagar to him. Ibrahim (as) and Sarah did not have any child, so when Hagar was presented to Ibrahim (as) by the king of Nubia (Egypt), Sarah married her to Ibrahim (as) so that they can have a child. Ibrahim (as) was 85 when he married young Hagar, Hajirah in Arabic. All of them earnestly prayed to Allah for righteous progeny.
Allah blessed Ibrahim (as) a son from his second wife, Hajirah (as), an African woman. While Ismail (as) was still a baby, Allah commanded to take his new wife and the son from her, and leave them in a place called Bakka (Quran 3:96). It was a barren place, no vegetation, no water, no other human being, and it was not even on the Caravan Route. Ibrahim (as) left his wife, Hajirah (as), and the only son in Bakka. He prayed to Allah: "Our Lord, certainly, You know what we keep secret and what we make known. And nothing whatever is hidden from Allah, whether in the earth or in the heaven." (Quran 14:38-39)
رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ تَعْلَمُ مَا نُخْفِي وَمَا نُعْلِنُ ۗ وَمَا يَخْفَىٰ عَلَى اللَّـهِ مِن شَيْءٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ ﴿٣٨﴾
Ibrahim (as) settled his family at Bakka. Ibrahim (as) didn't do anything on his own except what is commanded by Allah. He took Ismael and his mother Hajirah (as) to the appointed land in the wilderness of Arabia and while settling them there offered the following prayer:
"Our Lord, I have settled some of my progeny in an uncultivable valley near Your Sacred House. Our Lord, that they may observe prayer. So make hearts of human beings incline towards them and provide them with fruits and that they may be thankful." (Quran 14:37)
رَّبَّنَا إِنِّي أَسْكَنتُ مِن ذُرِّيَّتِي بِوَادٍ غَيْرِ ذِي زَرْعٍ عِندَ بَيْتِكَ الْمُحَرَّمِ رَبَّنَا لِيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ فَاجْعَلْ أَفْئِدَةً مِّنَ النَّاسِ تَهْوِي إِلَيْهِمْ وَارْزُقْهُم مِّنَ الثَّمَرَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَشْكُرُونَ ﴿٣٧﴾
First, Hajirah (as), was stunned, being new bride, new mother of a baby, when she got herself together and got strength, she finally asked Ibrahim (as): Why are you leaving us in this place? Ibrahim (as) kept on walking. She asked him loudly: "Did Allah ask you to do this?" Ibrahim (as) said "Yes!" without turning around, without stopping, and he kept making Dua.
Soon, Baby Ismail got thirsty as Hajirah (as) breast milk started drying up due to lack of water. She ran around, up and down, and between Mountains looking for Water. Those mountains are named later: Safa and Marwa. And this running between Safa and Marwa became the ritual of Hajj. The baby continued to cry and throwing his legs on the rugged surface. When Hajirah (as) returned unsuccessful, she sadly looked at the baby, and she was surprised: the baby was happy and joyful and water was gushing out under the feet of the baby.
That water is the gift of Allah called Zam Zam. It took care Hajirah (as) and baby Ismail and Zillions people pass through, came for Hajj and the future Hajjis. What a blessing! This spring shows no signs of drying out.
The presence of water made that rugged and barren land  mountain bloom. The caravans started stopping and Hajirah (as) and Ismail started taking care of them. Slowly, slowly, the place "Bakka" became a town founded by Hajirah (as) with the help of her son Ismail (as). Their sufferings and sacrifices paid off. Thus the Birth of a New Civilization began. Eventually, Bakka became Makkah, the center of the New Civilization. (Allah calls it Makkah first time in Quran 48:24.)

Aishah (ra) the Leader of Muslims
The life of Aishah (ra) is the proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is also proof that a woman can exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. In her youth, already known for her striking beauty and her formidable memory, Her life is also proof that the same woman can be totally feminine with striking beauty, joy and comfort to her husband. She was classically educated and trained first by her father, Abu Bakr (ra) and then by Prophet Muhammad (saw). Her lectures are studied in faculties of literature, her legal Opinions (Fatwas) are studied in the colleges of law, her life is studied and researched by students and scholars of Islamic History for over a thousand years.
Aishah lived on almost fifty years after the passing away of Prophet Muhammad (saw). She spent ten years in learning and acquiring knowledge of Quran and Sunnah from Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself. Aishah was one of three wives who survived Prophet Muhammad (saw) including Hafsah (ra) and Umm Salamah (ra). They have memorized the Revelation of Quran. Aishah (ra) had her own script of the Quran written. Aishah (ra) transmitted most Hadith after Abu Hurayrah (ra).
Besides Fiq (Juris-Prudence), Aishah (ra) was proficient in Medicine, Mathematics, and Poetry She was one of the greatest scholars and many of the learned companions of the Prophet and their followers benefitted from Aishah's knowledge. Abu Musa al-Ashari (ra) once said: "If we, the companions of the Messenger of God, had any difficulty on a matter, we asked Aishah (ra) about it." Some sought her advice concerning questions of Inheritance (Wiratha) which required a highly skilled Mathematical mind. Islamic Scholars regarded her as one of the earliest Jurists (Fuqaha) of Islam along with Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra), Ali Ibn Talib (ra), and Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra).
Aishah (ra) also stood up against wrong, evil, and injustice and led an Army of imminent men companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) at the Battle of Camel, named after her Camel she rode on to lead the Army.
Was Salaamu Alaikum, With Peace.
Imam Ali Siddiqui
Director, Muslim Institute - Interfaith Studies & Understanding, Washington D.C. 20018
Coordinator. Interfaith Dinner Dialogue, Fairfax, VA
Congregation Action Network, Washington D.C.
Researcher/Lecturer, Muslim History Workshop
Muslim Interfaith Liaison; DMV Clergy Social Action; DMV Hospital/School Chaplain; 707-534-0041

Guidance by Sis. Yasmin.

Look with the "Eyes" of the Heart.

'Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu'.

'For indeed, it is not Eyes that are blinded,
blinded are the Hearts that are within
the Breasts.'

{Source: Qur'an~Sûrat al-Hajj: 22: A #46}

It is reported that Khâlid b. Ma'dân 
[Allâh have mercy on him] said...

There is not a person except he has
Four [4] Eyes...!
Two in his Head with which he sees the
matters of this worldly life, and...
Two in his Heart with which he looks to
the matters of the Hereafter... !

So if Allâh wants good for his servant,
He opens his Heart's Eyes... !
and so he perceives what he has been promised
in the unseen world.
Thus he is saved from the unseen punishment
through the unseen reward for the obedient.

Inline image

Y a s m i n.
"Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah"

Hadith of the Week
Narrated by Sad, r.a.:
The Prophet visited me at Mecca while I was ill. I said (to him), "I have property; May I bequeath all my property in Allah's Cause?" He said, "No." I said, "Half of it?" He said, "No." I said, "One third of it?" He said, "One-third (is alright), yet it is still too much, for you'd better leave your inheritors wealthy than leave them poor, begging of others. Whatever you spend will be considered a Sadaqa for you, even the mouthful of food you put in the mouth of your wife. Anyhow Allah may let you recover, so that some people may benefit by you and others be harmed by you."
Bukhari Volume 7, Book 64,
Number 266
[With thanks to Sis. Kristi]

from Imam Badi Ali
Be Like a River

March 12 and 13

As-slamu alaikum,
In generosity and helping others,
be like a river!

Remember a river doesn't just
carry water, it carries life.

And remember, a river has
many curves but it always
reaches the target.

So be like a river!
And think like a river if you want
to leave a legacy of beauty and life for future generations!

Ya Allah, accept our good deeds
& acts of sacrifice and giving.
Grant us what is best for us.
Just like the sky opens after a
rainy day, we must be open to our brothers and others.
Learn to love your brothers for
who they are and clear your heart
of any assumptions.
Let the sunshine come through.
May Allah guide us to help one another and to unite us in this dunya and the Hereafter.

Elections in Gaza

Yahya Sinwar won the leadership election in Gaza on March 12. He got 167 votes from the Gaza Shura as opposed to his rival Nizar Awadallah's 147 votes.
He has spent many years in Israeli prisons and is expected to be a strong leader against Israeli aggression.  

Thosands Protest Strict Health Measures
[Courtesy Yahoo News]

Montreal police say they handed out 144 tickets and made 10 arrests during a protest Saturday against COVID-19 lockdown measures imposed by the Quebec government.
"From the beginning, we had police officers who intervened, made arrests and gave out fines for violation of health measures," said Montreal police spokesperson Manuel Couture.
As protesters moved through the streets they chanted slogans of "Liberty" and "Legault in prison."
While the march was mostly peaceful, police say some protesters threw projectiles at officers as the event was winding down.
Police confirm they used pepper spray to push back and disperse the small group.
Police say the arrests were made for obstruction, possession of a firearm, assault and assault on a police officer.
The tickets were handed out to those not wearing a mask at the demonstration, which drew several thousand people.
Protesters assembled around 12:30 p.m. at the intersection of McGill College and Sherbrooke Street, not far from the Montreal office of Premier François Legault.

Orders for Destruction of Uighur Muslims came from the top.
[Courtesy al-Jazeera]

In its Tuesday report, the Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy said Chinese President Xi Jinping set in motion the effort to destroy Uighurs as a group when he launched the "People's War on Terror" in Xinjiang in 2014.
Newlines said its report was the first independent analysis of China's treatment of the Uighurs under the 1948 Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. It involved the contributions of more than 30 experts, who examined all available evidence that could be collected and verified, including Chinese government communications, witness testimony and analysis of satellite imagery.
The experts found "clear and convincing proof that China is responsible" for committing all five acts that constitute genocide, the report said.
These acts are: killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the group's physical destruction in whole or in part, imposing measures intended to prevent births and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Mass deaths, forcible sterilisations
The report said there were credible reports of mass deaths under the mass internment drive, while Uighur leaders were selectively sentenced to death or sentenced to long-term imprisonment.
"Uyghurs are suffering from systematic torture and cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment, including rape, sexual abuse, and public humiliation, both inside and outside the camps," it said.
Chinese authorities have also systematically imprisoned Uighurs in unliveable conditions, particularly men of childbearing years, while also transferring members of the ethnic group into forced physical labour and forcibly imposed birth prevention measures on Uighur women.
In 2019 alone, the Chinese "government planned to subject at least 80 percent of women of childbearing age in [Xinjiang] to sterilizations or IUD placements" it said, adding that the mass-birth prevention strategy meant that the population growth rates in the two largest Uighur prefectures decreased by 84 percent between 2015 and 2018.
Finally, with Uighur parents increasingly detained in internment and forced labour facilities, Uighur children are being sent to state-run orphanages and raised in Chinese-language environments, the report said.
One county in the city of Kashgar built 18 new orphanages in 2017 alone, the report said, while a Ministry of Education document revealed that between 2017 and 2019, the number of children separated from their families and placed into state-run boarding schools in the region increased by 76.9 percent.
The report said these policies are directly orchestrated by the highest levels of state, including Xi and the top officials of the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang. Government orders on Xinjiang used language such as "eradicate tumours" "wipe them out completely … destroy them root and branch," "round up everyone," and "show absolutely no mercy", according to the report.
It said Xi also praised the "success" of the Xinjiang policies during a September 2020 speech.
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New Trend is copyright with Kaukab Siddique. Written permission is required for use of published material in any form.
New Trend: Reporting and discussing the Islamic Struggle and issues affecting Muslims worldwide. We do not endorse violence; news or views related to violence is for analysis and understanding,not endorsement. We are against racism, classism, gender superiority, Zionism, Imperialism, and Injustice. The Qur'an and authentic Hadith are our foundation.New Trend is copyright with Kaukab Siddique. Written permission is required for use of published material in any form.